As in the time of Noah


Just another weblog

As in the time of Noah – from J.Lorber’s writtings – 1

The present Spiritual Deluge

(Received through Jakob Lorber 1849)

He Who has created, delivered and sanctified you through His Word and through His Spirit, is telling you:

‘A spiritual deluge is now wafting across the Earth as the flood of four thousand earth-years ago once did at the same time of Noah. That one killed the flesh, but this one kills the soul and the body. The soul kills this flood through the spirit of lust for power which now spurts forth from the interior of the Earth and out of the air, as once the undulation of water did. That means the evil spirits come forth out of these elements and flood the soul and corrupt her with the lust for power.

This flood is like a fire, and is the very same fire of which it is written (2 Epistle of Peter, chapter 3) that the world at large will thereby be judged for a second time. Abide with Me, if you do not wish to be seized by this awful flood of fire. Do not judge one day this way and one day that way, or say: This one or that one, this or that party, or the high or the low-born are right. For I tell you: Nobody is right now, except he who does not bend hither or thither, but stays with Me – straight and firm as a rock – leaving everything to Me. What is beyond that, is sin!

All of this had to happen for the sake of the Word of God, which is My Word, spoken by Me for Jerusalem about Jerusalem and, as such, over the whole world. Great events will occur. You will see and hear much evil. One nation will condemn another and one party will erect gallows for the other. Those who shortly before greeted one another as friends will betray each other: the son and the father and the father the son! However, judge no one but leave everything to Me, and you will find yourself in My ark of Peace, where no evil of this time will touch you.

Who among you has the power to be of real consequence in the world? If he judges the party which is in the end victorious, will they not seize him and demand justification? If, on the other hand, he sides with the others and the first party wins, will this party not also do what the other did to the one who was against it? Up to now I have not predetermined victory to any party except to the one that adheres to Me, therefore, refrain equally from praise and from reproach! Only I know whom you should praise or criticize, and I shall give to each according to his deeds!

Should, however, one power be victorious, just obey the power which has won the victory, for it could not be a power unless it was ordained by Me! If I accepted the judgment of Pilate and did not resist, even though it concerned My Own Body, you need not fear for your safety and grumble at what is going to happen. No sparrow falls from the roof without My Will, and even all the hairs on your head are counted. How should all these events happen without My Volition? If it is My Will because the world has willed it so, and still wills it, it is likewise My Concern to protect those who adhere to Me and leave everything to Me. Do you not know that My Councel is inexplicable and My Ways unfathomable?

I need not repeat to you all that is going to happen. For a great deal can happen, or very little, as to whether the people will turn to Me or against Me. The sword has already wreaked havoc, and will continue to drive human beings into a flood of their lust for power. I shall send them yet another angel, namely the Angel of Hunger and, at the same time, the Angel of Pestilence. These lessons will teach the people concepts entirely different from those they are now holding.

You motto should be: ‘Render unto Caesar what is his, but above all to Me what is Mine!’ In this way, you will live in peace with the world and with Me, and will in everything truly be My Children. Amen.’

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